Investment report obligations of FDI company

Pursuant to the Investment Law 2020 and Decree No. 29/2021/ND-CP stipulating on supervision and assessment of investment, the Investors/economic organizations implementing investment projects in Vietnam must submit the periodic reports related to investment projects, including: The quarterly and annual reports on the implementation of investment projects and The 6-month and annual periodic supervision and assessment reports.

1. For the quarterly and annual reports:

  • Deadline for submission:
    • The quarterly report: By 10th of the first month of the quarter following the reporting quarter (for example: The report of quarter 2/2024 must be submitted by 10th July 2024);
    • The annual report: By 31st March of next year.
  • Method of submission: Submit online through the submitting report account on National Investment Information System (Please refer to link:

2. For the 6-month and annual periodic supervision and assessment reports:

  • Deadline for submission:
    • The 6-month periodic supervision and assessment report: By 10th July of reporting year;
    • The annual periodic supervision and assessment report: By 10th February of next year.
  • Method of submission: Submit directly to the investment registration authority (such as: Department of Planning and Investment, Economic zone management board, etc.).

3. Remarks:

  • In addition to the above periodic reports, the Investor must also submit the supervision and assessment report before adjusting the investment project.
  • In case of violation of the above report submission (such as not submitting, late submission or incompleteness, dishonesty, etc.), a fine ranging from VND 20,000,000 to VND 50,000,000 may be imposed.

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